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Slug is genreated improper for nonEnglish in some cases

Started by Gruz, February 07, 2012, 11:17:48 AM

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VM 2.1.0.e
J 1.7.4

I've just tested, it seems to be a joomla bug/issue. But maybe VM can override it.

FE is in Russian
BE is in English (user logged in, or main backend language - doesn't matter)
Shop is in Russian

The generated slug doesn't respect cyrillic.
I.e. product name is:
Датчик давления масла all VAG 1,6...2,8L & 1,9...2,5D/TDI 83-> (black) ->1,2Bar
Slug is:

If I relogin with Russian backend, the slug is generated correctly.
The same behavoiur is in core Joomla when generating slug for articles.

As the shop KNOW what language the product is in, it should use the correct locale for slug generating, not the current backend locale. As for me...

Your installable language for VM2: