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Bug when adding large number of product attributes.

Started by markurzawa, May 28, 2014, 15:58:45 PM

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I'm adding products in VM v2 and they should have about 10-15 attributes each and each of the attributes is a choice of about 50 different values. This makes the total number of values for all attributes between 500-750.
The attribute names are typically 20 characters long and attribute values average about 15 characters each.

When I'm less than half way adding the attributes and values in the 'Custom Fields' section, the admin panel refuses to add more and when I'm at that point the 'Save' action fails and brings me back to the Control Panel view. When I go back to the product to add some more attributes and values, it looks like it lets me add a few more, but Save action fails again.

How can I increase the capacity of my 'Custom Fields' so I can add more attribute-value-pairs?

I'm using VM 2.0.22a and attribute type is 'Cart Variant', and the link to the product I'm editing which shows and maximum attributes and value I was able to add so far is here:

I moved my joomla site to a new host and it increased the number of attributes I'm able to set, but I still hit the limit and need to add more. This is a product link with even more attributes. Does anyone know how to increase that limit?


Solution is to set high enough limits in php.ini file for the following variables:
