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Error on migration to vm.20

Started by hkymre, December 26, 2011, 14:00:54 PM

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Hi, running Joomla 1.5.25 and testing out the migration from VM1.1.9 to VM2 on a localhost setup.

I'm getting this error

vmError: storing user adress dataTableVmusers::bind failed. Invalid from argument
vmError: TableUserinfos COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_TYPE in record is missing ! Can't save the record with no COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_TYPE.

I've run a few sql updates against the vm_user_info to replace any NULL values but that doesn't help.

Can someone point in in the right direction of which fields need updating.



Been digging a bit more, without any luck.

Can't find where the COM_VIRTUEMART_ADDRESS_TYPE error message comes from - thought it would be in migrator.php but can't see it in there.


i still have the same problem! damn - is there any solution?


Same with me. :'(

Migrated everything perfectly.
Old site: Joomla 1.5.22, VM 1.1.5

New site: Joomla 2.5.4 VM 2.0.2

All products, categories and shop info migrated ok.
All orders migrated ok.
Shoppers list seems to be migrated BUT the shoppers' address is missing or EXCHANGED BETWEEN SHOPPERS! Too weird...

Is there any fix?


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