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A weird issue with product pagination

Started by vaistik, November 15, 2012, 13:06:34 PM

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Hello community,

I'm having some troubles with pagination in category view, I've set it up so it displays all the products from children categories and everything works fine until I click on a product. After I visit the product and return to the category view (either with "Back" or if I opened the product in another tab) the next click on the pagination (next, previous, page #) gets me to the first page. There is no change in the URL, the right start,limit number is passed.

I can only assume that there is something in the product controller that resets once I visit product details.

I'm using VM 2.0.10.

Any thoughts?

I got SEF enabled both in Joomla and VM, including htaccess.
Said issue only appears on parent categories displaying products from children categories.