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Frontend language problem

Started by iktpq, February 01, 2013, 00:26:15 AM

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I have searched the website and the forum for support, but I was unable to find anything of use.
Im using Virtue Mart 2.0.18 and Joomla! 2.5.8.

Anyway, let's get to my issue.
Im having problems with the language of the frontend-shop. I have changed the "Language Settings" - "Multilingual shop" to Swedish, but the text in my shop still shows as English.
Im using english as the language on my backend, and swedish on frontend.

I found one thread, that I thought could help, but it didnt. (

So, to summon this up a bit. I want the language on my frontend-shop to be in Swedish, and not in English.

Thank you!


Quote from: iktpq on February 01, 2013, 00:26:15 AM
I found one thread, that I thought could help, but it didnt...

I think this one is a little bit better:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Quote from: jjk on February 01, 2013, 18:42:13 PM
Quote from: iktpq on February 01, 2013, 00:26:15 AM
I found one thread, that I thought could help, but it didnt...

I think this one is a little bit better:

Thanks for the reply.
I've looked at that one as well, but I had problems understanding the text. But I tried it anyway, and sadly, it didnt help.
I may have done it wrong, I shall try again. But if there is any other way, easier way, please tell me!



Can you provide a link to your website? Is your Joomla content switching to Swedish correctly in the frontend?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


My link to the website is
I have just re-installed it though, but I used Swedish at frontend, and it worked, the content switched to swedish, except the VM-Shop.
Should I try installing Joom!Fish and see if that works? Or do you have any other solution in mind?


At present the only things I see on your homepage is a Joomla homepage in in Swedish with an english language login menu. I don't see any link to your shop. Depending on what you actually want (Swedish frontend only or a bilingual Swedish/English frontend), you need to create menus for each language. Normally, you will need at least menu links with the item types:
VirtueMart categories layout (shows all available shop categories)
VirtueMart category layout (shows a single shop category)
Shopping cart (shows the order form for the customer)

If you want a bilingual shop, Joomfish is not required. The built-in translation features of Joomla and VirtueMart are working perfectly.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


You can try checking the website out now. I've just re-installed it, as I said. So that's why you couldnt see any content.
But I followed the steps at
But it still doesnt seem to work. And now, I can't get rid of the ALL-Menus (such as all-start, all-shop etcetera).

I shall keep reading the threat, and maybe it will work after some time. But if you have any advice, please keep me posted.

Best regards


If you want to delete menu items (i.e all-start) and for some reason you can't delete them from your Joomla Menus, then you could delete them directly in the xxxxx_menu database table with phpMyAdmin.

To me it looks like you have your swedish language sample products in the english language VM product table. Check this in your database.
Since you have a new installation, the easiest way to correct this might be to make shure your Joomla site language is set to Swedish and then go to your VM Tools > Tools & Migration > 'Reset all tables and install sample data'. Thereafter select your second language in VM configuration > Shop tab > Language Settings. Then check again if the sample products are in the correct language database product table.

Make shure you do have menus and menu items for both languages for your Joomla content and Virtuemart content, one with the 'se' language tag and one with the 'en' language tag. If you forgot to set the language tag for one of the menu items, you can see this in your browser if you hover over the link with your mouse pointer in the frontend. Each link should have a language tag, i.e. and

I would also recommend to disable the webfonts in your template (they are often extremely slow or don't load at all) and also disable Google jQuery in Virtuemart Configuration, which often produces javascript errors.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thanks for the reply.
I managed to fix the menu problem in another way. I just changed the "ALL" and "SE" menus with eachother, and then disabled the "ALL" menu.

But anyway, I tried the soultion you wrote, but it still didn't work.
I have different tags ('se', 'en') for each language, and my Joomla! site is in Swedish. In backend I have the language set to English though.

Best regards


I still don't see the 'sv' language tag in your swedish "Starsida" and "Produkter" menu links (Look at the URL of these links). In your english "Home" and "Shop" menu links you have the 'en' language tag, which is correct. Do you have both languages selected in the VM language settings?
Perhaps you should translate your start page, a category and a product, so that is easier for you to visualize what you already have.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I thought I changed that, but apperently not. How do I manage to get the "sv" tag there then? I've tried a few things, but I cant get it to work.
I followed all the steps on the thread I linked before, so I couldnt have done anything wrong there.

Yes, I have both languages selected in the VM Lang-Settings.
You mean I should translate my VM-Start page? How do I do that?

EDIT: I have read this thread ( but I can't understand the first (1) text. Where is the "custom field" where I enter the "COM_VIRTUEMART_ART_DIMENSIONS" text?


Check in Joomla Plug-in Manager: System - Language Filter - Basic Options, if you have 'Remove URL Language Code' set to "Off".
Then go to your swedish menus and assign "sv" to every swedish menu item.

Concerning the custom fields - you need to create new ones in 'VM administration - Products - Custom Fields' first. When you are done it should look like in the image below.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thanks for the reply.
I have added the /sv strings now.

I have created the custom fields. Should I follow the descriptions in the thread now?
I created a en-gb override, and then followed the steps in the thread I linked above. I bealive I did the steps succesfully, but it still doesn't seem to work..