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FedEx giving error on shipping: E531

Started by Jwilson, May 05, 2011, 19:42:53 PM

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Hello Everyone,

I am the web guy for a quilting company and we have been having issues with FedEx giving an error to our customers and whoever places an order on the website.  When customers get to the option to select a shipping method while checking out FedEx will give them the following message on screen: "Error: FedEx Return Error E531: Rate returned error for account number."  We just had another order today with being unable to get to the shipping method all together as she states here: "I am trying to place an order and live in the UK but your shopping cart keeps saying I haven't completed the billing info correctly - I think it is the State that is the problem but as I live in the UK there is nothing for me to select." 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Can anyone please guide me or send me any link that "How to generate a pickup request using pickup api in php".

I search this topic, but didn't find anything.I have already implement  label creation part using fedex api.
