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tip is not defined - untip is not defined

Started by starchic, March 22, 2011, 14:50:13 PM

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I've got the latest version of joomla 1.5.22  and Virtuemart 1.1.7a

In the admnistration panel I can't see the windows (help windows) that opens when I put the mouse over the i.

I used firebug to check the problem and i told me that tip is not defined and untip is not defined.

On localhost all goes ok.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


1. Do you use a different administrative template?
2. Do you use some administrative plugin?
3. Can you check the permissions for JS files in /com../com_virtuemart/js are NOT 777?
Francesco (zanardi)
@gibilogic on Twitter


Hi zanardi!
1) I don't use a different administrative template
2) Can you make me an example please about administrative plugin?
3) Permissions are 775

I haven't the problem only with the administrative panel but I've got the same problem in the browse category near the product name where you can find the i that opens the tip where inside you can find the list price ordered by quantity  ???