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Shipping rate list does not obey list order

Started by com2, September 24, 2010, 17:05:15 PM

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Shipping rate list does not obey list order

VirtueMart Version: 

Joomla/Mambo Version:
Joomla 1.5

Steps to replicate:
1. with the standard shipping module delete all existing (demo?) shipping entries
2. delete all shippers
3. add a shipper
4. create some shipping rates for this shipper and put a number in the list order to establish an order. I added 6 rates numbered 1 to 6.
5. Now look at the list and see that it does not follow the list order. In my case the order was 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1. Usability would prescribe that the list follows the list order to provide the user a visual feedback that he did not make a mistake. In stead the system made a mistake and the user is confused. This usability bug is independent from the chosen Layout view.

System info:

Up-to-date CentOS Linux, Apache/2.2.3, PHP Version 5.2.13, MySQL 5.0.91


check if your Shipper list is in order