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Confused: Is confirmation manual or auto with Paypal?????

Started by Joelle, May 31, 2010, 23:07:24 PM

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I am the confirmation automatic or do I have to go into the cart and set it manually? 

If this is the there a way to automate it so I don't have to babysit it?


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Thanks for the the question is how do I set it up?  I've read tons of threads but there seems to be no definitive solution.  I guess I need a step by step primer.  If anyone can help, I would be most appreciative.  I have 3 carts to set up.


PS... I found this in the how to set up Paypal sticky thread...

"IMPORTANT: PayPal seems to return "Pending" very often, although the payment will be no problem. A further investigation, why the payment is still pending is not made at this time (we'll have to improve the paypal notify script to check that).
That's why you see "An error occured while processing your transaction. The status of your order could not be updated": You obviously haven't set the Order Status for pending payments to "confirmed"."

Does that mean that the status in the config file should not be set to pending...but to confirmed?


Please tell me that you've figured this one out?? It's driving me MAD!!! :(


First of all you need to make sure that PayPal is sending data back to you.
Are all you sales pending or just some.
Are you using PayPal or PayPal Pro?
PayPal does guarantee that the payment notification will be sent immediately, on our site it always is though. Because of this there is a time when the customer might get back to your site before PP has sent the sale confirmation. If that happens the sale will be pending, but will go to confirmed at some point.

If ALL your trx's are pending then you have configured properly.
Are you using the Sandbox, I never got that to work.
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