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Bug in product attributes

Started by homer1976, August 17, 2008, 22:18:31 PM

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I've just installed the new version of virtuemart on joomla 1.0.10, installing language package for spanish. VM works great, but I have a bug on the charset. The accens and special charactears work perfect in backend, but it has a small bug on the frontend. If I put special character on a product (the name, the attributes...) they appear ok in browse page. In product detail page, the accens work ok at the 'Product Name', but not for the 'Product attributes'. It happens the same in checkout and confirmation mail (a product name with accens appears ok, but a product attribute with accens doesn't work (strange characters appear). I think that the rest of the fields work perfectly with accens (also in checkout or confirmation mail). Does anyone know how to solve this bug? Thank you!!
