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Confirm shipping button sends me to wrong page

Started by TonytheSnail, October 08, 2010, 13:48:38 PM

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Confused here...
I have set up paypal with my account. I followed all of the logical choices (is this my mistake?).
I have one shipper and account creation is off - I don't want people to have to create an account...
When I go through the checkout process, I add to cart - works great. I go to checkout and fill in my name, address etc etc - great.
Next page asks me about shipping - The button marked "Default - same as shipping" is checked fine. When I then click the next button it tries to send me to a page on my site that doesn't exist.
This is on my dev box, so the link is slightly different.
The link it is sending me to is made up of http://servername/joomla/"oneofmymenuitems" so for example when I browse my items, I go to http://servername/joomla. I then have a menu that lists products A, B, C. I buy, go through the checkout until I get to confirm delivery when VM tries to send me to "http://servername/joomla/A".
It always attempts to send me to the same link... what is happening here? Any hints gratefully received... I have searched the forums, but can't see anything relevant - yet...


Thank you very much for your post. It solved my question.


Hello Tony,

It's hard (for me) to diagnose issues on locahost problems. But here goes...

Do you have SEO turned on (in the Joomla setup *and* the plugin enabled? If so, first try turning the Joomla global SEF choice off and disable the plugin.

If the Joomla global settings for SEO on or off? In relation to that, has your .htaccess.txt file renamed to .htaccess? If you have those setting turned on, the .htaccess.txt file needs renamed (remove the .txt) Even so, on some locahost setups, these settings can cause weird redirects. So if you have these settings on, try turning them off and renaming .htaccess to .htaccess.txt *if* the first paragraph's SEO stuff doesn't help.

Take care, Mike



Thanks for your valiant attempt at debugging something that is, by it's very nature, standing right next to impossible!
You have, however, hit the nail right on the head. I disabled SEO (I "think" that I clicked the button to enable it in the hope that would be the end, but there is a lot more config I have to do to make that work...)

I can now send payment - woohoo! That works!.

However, when I have finished at PayPal and click the return button, I come back to my site and get a message telling me that "an error occured while processing your transaction. The status of your order could not be updated". Is this a permissions error? I am a MySQL DBA (amongst other things...) and it "smells" like an update denied-type error...
Am I in the wrong forum for this? Should I repost this issue?

Again - 10/10 for your help so far Mike - it was spot on!




I used the age old solution and rebooted my server (I could have just restarted the web server...) and it all works!
I am hoping it was not just timing on PayPal sending back confirmatrion, but we will see


Wonderful, Tony.

If you would edit your original post and marked it [Solved] that would be great.

Take care, Mike