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[FIXED] Joomla 1.5 with vm 1.1 beta 2 JS Cook menu issue

Started by Mikstang, January 24, 2008, 03:38:14 AM

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This is my first posting, so I'll try to explain the problem and my setup
I have virtue mart as the front page and when I use js cook menus I get the following error in IE7, FF works fine however.

Internet Exlporer cannot open the Internet site

Operation aborted

One and One Internet Hosting with a spanking brand new install of Joomla 1.5RC4 along with vm 1.1beta2 the only other thing I have got installed is exTplorer 2.0 RC1. When I use transmenu or any other bundled menu it works fine. By the way It doesn't matter which site template is used either. I have done multiple searches on this issue without any luck. Same problem exits no matter which combination of Joomla! or Virtuemart is used stable or nightly release. The Menu is making me nuts!!   ???  I hope I have given enough informatiom. Regards Mike


As VM1.1 is still in beta there will be parts that do not yet work. The initial aim is to get all the admin and shopping functions working reliably after which frontend issues such as layout and menus can be addressed.

Differences in the way browsers work is yet another problem....
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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I get the same problem right out of the box.  It installs fine on joomla 1.5 but you can't do anything with it after you install it.  It always says what the above poster says when you try to edit products or anything
