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Which protx system do i use with virtuemart

Started by baggiesmad, March 21, 2007, 14:05:13 PM

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Im registered with protx but I dont know which of their products to use on my store.

VSp form?
VSp server?
VSp Direct?
Vsp terminal?
Vsp Admin?

can anyone help me?


I am just signing up to Protx. From what i have read VSp form will be the best option. It appears to be the same in princple to Paypal or Worldpay payment modules. 


Yes Ive managed to get in touch with protx and they suggested using VSP form.

But after adding this to our virtuemart stores, how do we make our site secure? (ie: https://)


You will have to check your site host - some offer https as a feature, others you have to pay for the functionality.


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