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Nothing But Problems :(

Started by imsleepy, April 02, 2005, 05:02:44 AM

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First... UPS Module

I used the HTML Access code and got this message:
UPS was not able to process the Shipping Rate Request.
Error Code: 250003
Error Description: Invalid Access License number

Then I used the XML Access code and got a BIG mess. The page was basically gone... no template or css...

and it says this at the bottom:

Please select a Shipping Method!
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/solarros/public_html/solarrose/administrator/components/com_phpshop/classes/shipping/ups.php on line 251

Really need the UPS module working... ideas?

Anyway, decided to just try the Standard Shipping module in the meantime...

Well, no luck there either.

Set up the shipper and then the shipping rates. But, on checking out, there are NO shipping methods to choose from!

So, I have a store... the payment method is working, but no shipping... can't get past it at all!

The original sample data for shipping was working when I tested the credit card processing. Then I deleted the sample shipping data and now I have no shipping at all!

So, does someone no what is wrong here? Really need the UPS module working... but at the very least need the Standard shipping to show. Something... anything...

Please help!


I seem to have put this in the wrong catagory. I am sorry. Meant to put it in questions and problems.

Anyway, I did a complete reinstall with the demo items again.

Once again, all of the preinstalled demo shipping rates are working. I once again deleted all countries but US since that is the only place that we can ship to.

All of the demo shipping rates still work, but any new ones I add are not showing up.

Went to the first demo shipping rate on a hunch and resaved it... now it does not show either.

So, the only shipping choices available to my customers are the demo shipping rates which have nothing to do with our business. No new ones can be added because they don't show up.

AND none of the demo ones can be changed because the minute they are saved, they no longer are an option under choosing a shipping method.

I went and added Canada back into the countries thinking that maybe the program needed a choice of more than one country, but that also did not help.

Bottom line... I have absolutely no way to charge for shipping!!

I have been fiddling with this since December. I have been patient. I have upgraded whenever there has been an upgrade. I have done fresh installs. Everything I can think of. I have followed all directions.... after all these months still no working store. I am about to give up and just go back to osCommerce or something.


I have discovered my problem, but am not happy.

All of the demo shipping rates have the zone rate start set at 000000 and the zone rate end at 99999. If these are left empty, the shipping method does not appear. The 00000 to 999999 settings would be fine if life and shipping rates were that simple. But, when using them to define a certain zip and rate they don't work.

I was using the zip 99633 and 86401 to test this in two different shipping addresses. I set one shipping rate to zone rate start 99600 and zone rate end 99699 which should cover 99633. I set the next shipping rate for zone rate start 86400 to 86499 which should cover 86401.

Reason dictates that the shipping address of 86401 should have 1 shipping method to choose from and zip 99633 should have another. However, neither choice shows unless they are set to 000000 to 999999. This totally defeats the purpose of zone rate settings if you can't use them.

If I am shipping to Illinois from Iowa, the rate would be much cheaper than shipping to Alaska from Iowa. But, it appears that I either have to overcharge or undercharge for shipping since I can't set zone rate settings other than 000000 to 999999.

Please help.



I have tested your case with Standard Shipping and it worked for me, so I don't agree that the Shipping Rates are only displayed when you fill in "00000" in ZIP Start.
But anyway there has to be one correction: The Standard Shipping Module currently only computes Shipping Rates from the Billing Address of a customer. The ZIP and Country of the Shipping Address (if different from Bill-To Address) is ignored.
This bug can be fixed: just change the function list_rates in /classes/shipping/standard_shipping.php to look like this in the corresponding section:

    $html = "<table width=\"100%\">\n<tr class=\"sectiontableheader\"><th>&nbsp;</th>";
    $html .= "<th>" . $PHPSHOP_LANG->_PHPSHOP_INFO_MSG_CARRIER . "</th><th>";
    $html .= $PHPSHOP_LANG->_PHPSHOP_INFO_MSG_SHIPPING_PRICE . "</th></tr>\n";
    $selected = False;
    $q = "SELECT country,zip FROM #__users,#__pshop_user_info WHERE #__users.user_info_id='".$d['ship_to_info_id']."' OR #__pshop_user_info.user_info_id='".$d['ship_to_info_id']."'";
    $zip = $dbc->f("zip");
    $country = $dbc->f("country");
    $q = "SELECT shipping_carrier_id,shipping_carrier_name FROM #__pshop_shipping_carrier ORDER BY shipping_carrier_list_order ASC";
    $i = 0;

    while ($dbc->next_record()) {
        $q = "SELECT shipping_rate_id,shipping_rate_name,shipping_rate_value,shipping_rate_package_fee FROM #__pshop_shipping_rate WHERE ";
        $q .= "shipping_rate_carrier_id='" . $dbc->f("shipping_carrier_id") . "' AND ";
        $q .= "(shipping_rate_country LIKE '%" . $country . "%' OR ";
        $q .= "shipping_rate_country = '') AND ";
        if (is_numeric($zip)) {
            $q .= "shipping_rate_zip_start <= '" . $zip . "' AND ";
            $q .= "shipping_rate_zip_end >= '" . $zip . "' AND ";
        $q .= "shipping_rate_weight_start <= '" . $d["weight"] . "' AND ";
        $q .= "shipping_rate_weight_end >= '" . $d["weight"] . "'";
        $q .= " ORDER BY shipping_rate_list_order ASC,  shipping_rate_name";

ciao, Soeren
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!


Hello Soeren! Does this have anything to do with the problem that shows when people register the first time to the shop (virtuemart), they canĀ“t choose a country and then they get the error: please select an other shipping method in the payment process. If they login again and change their account, the drop-downlist for countries shows. Then they can choose a country to their adress and the strange error dissapers. Does this have anything to do with the functions for standard shipping?