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Keep Virtuemart alive!

Started by bilba, June 22, 2006, 23:59:16 PM

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We are all probarbly using VM either ourselves, or setting it up for our clients. So we all make a profit using VM.

My point is: Remember to donate some to the people behind this project! It doesn't need to be a big donation, I think it should be in comparison to the profit you expekt it to give you. It might be $20, $50 or maybe $500 for all I know. I think you know this yourself.

Please give this a little thought.  Soeren ( Maybe I miss someone out here?) is programming this great component for Joomla! He gives it away under GNU/GPL license. But I assume he still needs bread and butter on his table.

So if you want this great component to be alive, donate!

And contribute with your knowledge on the forum as best as you can.
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Virtue Monkey

Maybe we need a module that automatically deposits 1% of all sales in a shop into Soerens bank account once a month... ;)

Seriously though I couldn't agree more and as soon as we've made a dime with VM (we're just setting up now) I look forward to donating to the cause.


I would be more than happy to donate if I could just get it working properly.


Once I get my site live I will definately donate to the project, but at the moment I haven't quite finished it, and being a lowely student, my financial budgets are very tight.

I did think however that there are other ways to raise money than just asking people to donate.

How about a monthly raffle? $5 entry, 2/3 of the money raised goes to the project, the rest to the winner.

Or paid competitions, you pay to enter, and  again, the winner receives a certain amount of the money raised, the rest going to the prroject.

Or for those that develop VM sites, perhaps a certain voluntary percentage of your fee?

I have also seen in other OS projects the proffessional help section being subscribers only, whereby anyone can post, but only people who have paid a subscription can post responses. If you are going to make money off of VM, surely some should go back to the project, call it a finders fee if you will.

I'm sure that there are many ways to make money, some that will be more appealing to a wider group of people. However, I doubt that the project will really go that much better if we throw money at it, sure it will grease the cogs, but the project needs experienced users to help out on the forums and to help contribute. If the forums were moderated a bit more then a lot more could be acheived. I see so many posts asking the same question, these should be merged to help increase search effiency. However, I also see different people working on very similar addons and hacks. If the work being done was displayed in a more clear way, people could see what needs to be done, and who is doing it. That way, people can check to see if a addon is already being worked on, if it is, they can offer help, and if it isn't, they can tell other people that they are going to start work on it, so that lots of the same addons do not get produced.
If you show you have tried to solve your problem and explain the steps you took people will be more willing to help :)

Adam Bazaroff

I'm ready to donate some $ with great pleasure, but you don't have Webmoney or PayCash account's :( and PayPal is not work with ex-USSR :(
/Adam'B ... Poor english mode [ON] ;D