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Product sort by drag in drop in admin not working

Started by joozen, March 15, 2024, 22:24:51 PM

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Hello. Product sort not working in Joomla 4 new admin template. I think this issue sinse VM4 first release. I don't remember if it was in Joomla 3 but defenetely in Joomla 4. I saw tread or two in this forum about the issue but it still not fixed I think. It still working in old template but not in new one. Is it any chance it will be fixed one day or maybe ready solution available?
Thank you.
Joomla! 4.3.4
4.2.12 11012
PHP: 8.1.26


This should be fixed in the next release - but if you want to fix it now

Go to administrator/templates/vmadmin/html/com_virtuemart/product/default.php

Find this:

if ($this->showDrag) { ?>
                                        <div class="uk-sortable-handle"><span class="" uk-icon="icon: move; ratio: 0.75"></span></div>

Replace with this:-

if ($this->showDrag) { ?>
                                       <div><span class="vmicon-16-move" uk-icon="icon: move; ratio: 0.75"></span></div>


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1