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VmConfig::set() not updating config in db

Started by vmfyelloq19, December 13, 2023, 21:50:21 PM

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in a custom admin module I am trying to set catalog mode like this:

if( ! class_exists('VmConfig')) require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php';

echo VmConfig::get('use_as_catalog'); # -> 0
echo VmConfig::get('use_as_catalog'); # -> 1

This looked fine at first but use_as_catalog is not written to #__virtuemart_configs. I guess I'm missing something trivial here. (Logged in as superadmin, if that matters).
Any hints?

# VirtueMart 3.8.8 10472

Studio 42

Your code only set the value in the memory not in the real virtuemart config
Only here JOOMLAROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/controllers/config.php
all values are saved in the table


Hello Studio 42

thank you for the reply. How can I trigger saving the config? I guess there is an API call for thsi that I am missing?

Studio 42

No api call for this. You have to write your own code
But you can set it using a  Joomla system plugin for eg


Hello Studio 42,

so my code would basically be a copy of VirtuemartControllerConfig save()?
Would instead creating an instance of VirtuemartControllerConfig and use save() from there have any side effects?

No, it looks like you cannot use the save() method for anything. You can pass $data but that get's overwritten by request/post right away:

class VirtuemartControllerConfig extends VmController {
    // ...
    function save($data = 0){
        $model = VmModel::getModel('config');
        $data = vRequest::getPost();


You can use the following codes to save configuration data to the database.


// Your configuration data
$data = array(
'use_as_catalog' => 0

// Register VM Config Class
JLoader::register('VmConfig'JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR '/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php');

// Load config

// Get an instance of the Config model
$model VmModel::getModel('config');

// If save fails
if (!$model->store($data)) {
// Do your stuff if save fails
return false;

// Reload the newly saved config


Hello Jumbo,

thank you very much!
I was just investigating if I'd need a full data set or just the required keys.
Works perfectly!


One issue remains:
Somhow the virtuemart safe path (forSale_path) gets removed from the config.

Looks like the config model store($data) method completely ignores all data stored in the DB and only loads config from config file.

  function store(&$data) {
      // ...
      //We create a fresh config
        $config = VmConfig::loadConfig(false,true);

        //We load the config file
        $_raw = self::readConfigFile();
        $_value = join('|', $_raw);
        //We set the config file values as parameters into the config

        //We merge the array from the file with the array from the form
        //in case it the form has the same key as the file, the value is taken from the form
        $config->_params = array_merge($config->_params,$data);



Here's my updated code that gets the full config data from database first:

// Get current full config from database
$VmConfig = VmConfig::loadConfig(); // VmConfig object
                                    // $VmConfig->get(key)
                                    // $VmConfig->set(key,value)
                                    // $VmConfig->_raw [all data as string, |-delimited]
                                    // VmConfig->_params [all data as array]
$VmConfigData = $VmConfig->_params;

// Update config data with custom values:
$VmConfigData['use_as_catalog'] = 1;

// Store into database:
$model = VmModel::getModel('config');
if( ! $model->store($VmConfigData)) {
    return false;


Hello Ghost,

> Have you tried VmConfig::updateDbEntry() ?

Did not know this method. It's not in the calss documentation, is it? Will try!