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Apply rules Drop Down not showing in in backend (SOLVED)

Started by, November 08, 2022, 13:17:58 PM

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Hi Masters.

Hope you can help me out here.

Joomla 4.2.4
VirtueMart 4.0.6 10690

I have been using VM store for some years now and I always find it a bit confusing how the pricing system works it is not logical to me unfortunatly but I am always trying to understand it properly.

The issue I am having right now is that the calc rules "Apply rules" in the " Product pricing (you are in shoppergroups: Default Shopper Group) (Country: ISL)" area does not show see the attached file.

Maybe the way to add discounts has changed ?


Turn on "Show expert pricing options" on the Configuration/Pricing tab.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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