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AU site, tell me what you think.

Started by zucco, November 26, 2009, 12:25:15 PM

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Its my first website ever, new to Joomla and Virtuemart. Mexican Blankets, Rugs, pottery.



Nice. Implementation!

Using Rocket Theme Mnyxx I'm guessing?

Maybe its just my screen, but your menu at the footer goes over 2 lines?


Hello zucco,

The site is cool. I wish to know something from you. I am new to Joomla as well as using Virtue mart for the first time. I would like to know how you moved the shopping cart to the top position. My doubt is that the virtuemart is one module only which has the product categories and the mini cart along with it, then how did you display the cart on a different position and the product categories in a different position?

Also, I would like to know how to enlarge the product images like how you did instead of showing it in a lightbox window. As you know from lightbox, it's not possible to save or take a printout of the images. I want my customers to be able to save the product images.



Thanks for your replys!

woodsy3629- yes its Rocket Theme Mynxx, I have made the menu titles shorter so theres' no second line in the footer.

freesoul- there are modified virtuemart modules for the template I'm using. When you get the Mynxx template from Rocket Theme they include Virtuemart with the mods already done. You can see here..