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Main Menu

The main menu disappear in cart page

Started by belsaas, October 07, 2018, 11:05:39 AM

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The main menu disappear some times on my site.

1st case
When I change language the site change the language but don't show the main menu, not before I click the flagg once more time.

2nd case
When I go to the cart in VirtueMart the main menu don't show. Some times it does, but not often.

How can I solve this problem?

I use Joomla 3.8.12 and VirtueMart 3.4.0

Joomla 3.8.1
Virtuemart 3.2.4
PHP 7.1

GJC Web Design

test on a base template  -- Beez or protostar
GJC Web Design
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