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Legacy.php? What does it mean?

Started by bcohen0, June 18, 2017, 22:58:24 PM

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I'm new to Virtuemart 3. I did build a site with Virtuemart 1.1 a long time ago.

My question is: I'm now building this new site with Virtuemart 3, and my stack trace shows legacy.php, and that I am using JControllerLegacy, and JViewLegacy. Is this what always happens? Or does it mean I have chosen an old crufty template? Or have the wrong settings?

Thanks for any advice.

GJC Web Design

No.. this is the standard Joomla 3 framework used in VM3..  afaik the vast majority of Joomla extensions and all core Joomla components are still using the legacy Joomla framework

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