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Age verification (DOB) field not working

Started by bunglehaze, October 07, 2015, 12:55:02 PM

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Hello guys, I have need to implement a Date of birth check on my checkout, having added the age verification field to the shopper fields I am finding that the date picker is not showing during checkout  or manually adding a date of birth is not working too.

I am looking at the userfields.php file in models and can see the section around age verification is heavily commented out (v3.0.10) so I am wondering if it is likely to be working or some other issue that is stopping my customers adding their age - it's a legal requirement now so has to be used.


Found it was because the VM jquery wasn't enabled. Despite being loaded by the template I have been advised that it's needed for the datepicker.


Changed this to unsolved again as although the age verification box now pops up and accepts the details it appears that the minimum age isn't being enforced at checkout and the date entered is coming through as the default  too.


Any developer advice available for this please? If we can't have age verification working at the date of birth level to begin with then Virtuemart is no longer an option and we will have to migrate elsewhere



I have te same problem on a shop where my client sales vine and liquors (and other foods) and we need to restrict sales of alcohol to >18 years old, but age restriction doesn't work!
How to do?



Hi - I noticed that this problem is at least a year old and still seems to persist ... Has anybody solved it yet? We will be getting in trouble selling our wine soon. :-(