What i need is "Category layout” CSS is equal to "Virtuemar product module" CSS

Started by andrai2, August 06, 2016, 19:40:16 PM

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So I am making a virtuemart website

I have a menu item which is Category layout 3 products in row

Under the menu Category layout i have a module "Virtuemar product module" 3 products in row

What i need is "Category layout" CSS is equal to  "Virtuemar product module" CSS

So basicly i need to ad Category layout" CSS to "Virtuemar product module" CSS

So my problem is that "Virtuemar product module" is using different css "Category layout" menu item

By different css i mean: 1.line around the products  2.stock info 3. Product name link size 4. And price description

In the attacment i have highlited the differences

To get my idea i have attached ad image

Can someone give some advice on this, maybe it can be by module class suffix..but dont know which class to apply

I have:
VirtueMart 3.0.14 latest
Joomla 3.6

the reason why I need this  I want to add more product in first page like 1.Best sales  2. New products 3. Extra products, byt i need similar css with category page

GJC Web Design

just over ride   components\com_virtuemart\sublayouts\products.php  to


to make it look like the module layout
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Via ftp I trasnfered file  products.php to \templates\YOUR_TEMPLATE\html\com_virtuemart\sublayouts\products.php

But nothing hapnens, cache cleaned,

I checked some "tick" configuration - templates - shop fornt - Select the default template for your Shop

So my goal is that featured products look the same as category layout products.

Dont want to be a ""bitch time stealer" i send you link of my site maybe you can look via firebug and give some sugestions how to make virtuemart featured product layout the same as category layout

Tweaking around, but nothing happens

p.s. i have feel that i am using your knowloge for own good for free, i must kick my self in the face and donate dome money at least once.

GJC Web Design

just transferring isn't enough .. you then make the changes in it to get the appearance u want..
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers https://www.gjcwebdesign.com
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I have one more question on this how we can add vm-price description on virtumart featured products

Sales price: 49,41 € - this is in category layout description with price
49,41 € - price only with no description this in virtuemart featured products

If we look at your demo site http://demo.virtuemart.net/ we could see that in VM - Featured products there is on decription before price so I would like to this description "Sales price"

As i understand this is the main fail modules/mod_virtuemart_category/tmpl/default.php that makes virtuemart featured product layout...? (in the module settings "layout" have  "default" as main setting)

I think that to do this we must modify this file "modules/mod_virtuemart_category/tmpl/default.php" , i think maybe that we could take some php from this file html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/products.php (as this file has price description) add this php to "modules/mod_virtuemart_category/tmpl/default.php"  try to past some php but no luck, i know its hard

p.s. i made module class sufix and manage to do that virtumart products are almost the same as virturmart category layout, i also change class name in modules/mod_virtuemart_category/tmpl/default.php line 26 from  <div class="spacer"> to <div class="product"> to get that border around products

GJC Web Design

just over ride the module default.php  and change the price display to

echo $currency->createPriceDiv ('salesPrice', 'COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_SALESPRICE', $product->prices, FALSE, FALSE, 1.0, TRUE);
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers https://www.gjcwebdesign.com
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