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Main Menu AIM LOOP

Started by Chuck_Hill, January 28, 2016, 07:07:43 AM

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I'm experiencing a very odd and very fustrating problem with the payment method (the one that comes standard) It had seemed to work fine, then today I was made aware from my client that someone had trouble paying, when I tested it with a live card I found that attempts result in some type of loop. When the credit card form comes up, all the date can be entered, but when save is hit, it simply resets the form and does not submit it. This happens regardless if a valid CC# is put in, it is left blank, or if random numbers are being put in. I did manage to get it to process 1 time out of about 25-30 attempts. I have looked through the forms and google, but haven't found anything helpful yet.

I'm running Joomla 3.4.8 and VM 3.0.12
Site is:

I very much appreciate any help!



Update: I had to restore a backup of the site to J1.5 and VM 1 because I can't get this working, so the site that is having the trouble is now at