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Discount price and cart attribut

Started by axdesign, January 20, 2016, 20:38:56 PM

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Hello everyone sorry for my english, i'm french, I turn around.
Here is my problem: I created a product to € 3,000, and adds 4 field "cart attribute" for different sizes of the product.
Simply size = 1> + € 100, size 2 => + € 200, size 3 = + € 300.
I put a discounted prices to my original product ; instead of € 3,000 I spend 2800 €, and there problem, prices are € 2,800 regardless of the selected attribute cart.
The base price change much but the price remains stored frozen at € 2,800. My question is how to fix it, I have instead created products for children (but not simple if every time I do a go, I have to change my product), is there a plugin to manage the delivery independently for each attribute ?
I confess to being lost there.
I master  PHP well enough but I would not touch the core  VM too. Small precision I am on VM joomla 2.6.18 with 2.5.28 Thanks for your feedback.

GJC Web Design

The price over ride is exactly that .. it will over ride all other factors...  so u need to use a change of base price or a price rule via the "Taxes & calculations"
GJC Web Design
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Use of "dummy" categories for discounts is probably going to help you !

Control categories (Dummy categories)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1