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Shop configuration help!

Started by Niko, September 04, 2015, 15:56:57 PM

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Please help... I cannot edit the shop information... I keep getting the following error:

vmError: Couldnt create thumb, file not found /****/****/public_html/images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/www.****

I cannot change the vendor logo path or vendor thumbnail logo path.
Cannot edit the USED URL or USED THUMB URL fields... gives me a red circle with a line in it when I move the mouse over.
Sorry. This is highly urgent.

Studio 42

Try to create the folder www.**** in /images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/ and upload the file : logo4.jpg
I think, you have set a bad path, but it's strange that this block all

GJC Web Design

or better to find out why the vendor image is asking for or is set on such a weird path

chk your paths in the VM config
templates tab

Media Files Settings

Vendor Media URL
GJC Web Design
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