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virtuemart_country_id Shopper Field Missing?

Started by saviB, June 23, 2015, 16:27:38 PM

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VM 3.0.9
Joomla: 3.4.1

I'm having trouble with virtuemart_country_id. On two sites, after migrating from 2 to 3 using a fresh install and day counts migrator, the country drop down is missing from user account management. I believe it should be virtuemart_country_id.

On one of the sites, I was able to get this back - but I don't know how I did it. I simply
- re-installed VM several times (overwriting through Extension Manager),
- published and unpublished countries in the country list,
- cleaned things up with Akeeba Admin Tools,
- and used the VM tools (update tables).

However, it is now a mandatory selection in check out - which I don't want - see attached.

I'm not able to get virtuemart_country_id back on the other though after going through all the same steps.

1. Is virtuemart_country_id the correct table (or field) I need?
2. How can i get it back - without guess work?
3. Any idea why it is missing?

I can PM the site URL if you can help.


I was able to get country working by pulling the country row from a different VM database and sticking in in mine. Its found in (yourprefix)_virtuemart_userfields. I also found an error in the Migrator ( log I believe caused the problem:

ERROR: Item with id 18 was NOT migrated. Duplicate entry 'virtuemart_country_id' for key 'name' SQL=INSERT INTO `------_virtuemart_userfields` (`virtuemart_userfield_id`,`virtuemart_vendor_id`,`userfield_jplugin_id`,`name`,`title`,`description`,`type`,`maxlength`,`size`,`required`,`registration`,`shipment`,`account`,`readonly`,`calculated`,`sys`,`ordering`,`shared`,`published`,`created_on`,`created_by`,`modified_on`,`modified_by`,`locked_on`,`locked_by`) VALUES ('18','1','0','virtuemart_country_id','COM_VIRTUEMART_SHOPPER_FORM_COUNTRY','','select','0','0','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','16','0','1','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0')

So it looks like it kicked out both because of a duplicate? I'm not sure I'm interpreting that correctly. I'd like to hear some thoughts.


I just found how to get rid of the country selector in checkout - posted by jenkinhill.

QuoteIt does. Shppper fields/virtuemart_country_id - set default country code just uner the description editor.