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TOS not showing

Started by Nilsy, August 04, 2015, 20:56:46 PM

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Hi there...
Strange problem here.
The TOS (Terms of Service) is not showing up for the customer to be able to click for accept.

I am on J3.4.3 and VM3.0.9
PHP Version: 5.4.29

I have contacted the template creators (and tried a default template).
The creators of the template say:

Hi, Please try to reinstall Excite Template in your Joomla. This is not a Template issue, this is Virtuemart configuration issue. Terms of Service is not showing on your website because there is no "Terms of Service" field in Virtuemart Shopper Fields.

-Not sure why reinstalling the template will help, if the problem is somewhere else... but I tried. No change.
I tried reinstalling the VM, no help.

I am assuming that re-installing keeps the tables etc in place, and hence, is keeping the fault there. But, I don't know where to look.