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Link Products In Multilingual Virtuemart?

Started by spirosk80, June 26, 2013, 13:40:24 PM

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I have a 4 languadge Virtuemart Site.
I have lots of products but I have a problem.
I want to make associations among the products
When i see a product in English language if I click the flag to turn into french, virtuemart goes in the main page of french virtuemart and the visitor loose the product he sees.

I want to make it like the menus when you are in terms of use par example and you want to read them in another language you just press the flag of the language you want.

is there a way to fix it?

Thank you for reading this.
Thank you everyone in advance.

Hope for a solution.



Hi everybody,

I am interested in this problem solution also.
Can somebody help, please!!!!

(I have an idea - if all categories and products be assigned to related language menus - and those menus be connected. Probably this would work)



From Admin side of Joomla 2.5:

Menu Item Associations

Multilanguage only! This choice will only display if the Language Filter parameter 'Menu Associations' is set to 'Yes'. Choose a menu item for the target language. This association will let the Language Switcher module redirect to the associated menu item in another language. If used, make sure to display the Language switcher module on the concerned pages. A menu item set to language 'All' can't be associated.

This is a Menu-manager -> some menu -> open menu item -> look for it among the right side options.

- - - -
So to make articles assosiated with each other in different languages - you need:
1) Language Filter parameter 'Menu Associations' is set to 'Yes'
2) Attach all the articles to menu items
3) set "Menu Item Associations"  property of every  menu item.


I am also facing the same issue for virtuemart but now i its fixed and all working fine we want,i am trying to contribute my answer with all of you so you can also run your site without any issue.

I am using a plugin and module name "FaLang" this module same as language switcher but it has some more functionality to stay on same page when you change language.
I hope this will help you.