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Migration - Shopper and Order Error

Started by charleypowell, December 31, 2011, 00:26:39 AM

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Thank you for your help with my previous problems. I have managed to install VM fine.

I am now getting a problem with the migration.

        vmError: port shoppers db error FUNCTION stitch_joomla15.ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `p`.*,`ui`.*,`svx`.*,`aug`.*,`ag`.*,`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id FROM jos_users AS `p` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_user_info AS `ui` ON `ui`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_shopper_vendor_xref AS `svx` ON `svx`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_user_group AS `aug` ON `aug`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_group AS `ag` ON `ag`.group_id = `aug`.group_id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_vmusers AS `vmu` ON `vmu`.virtuemart_user_id = `p`.id WHERE ISNULL (`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id) LIMIT 0,17300
        vmError: port shoppers db error SELECT `p`.*,`ui`.*,`svx`.*,`aug`.*,`ag`.*,`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id FROM jos_users AS `p` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_user_info AS `ui` ON `ui`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_shopper_vendor_xref AS `svx` ON `svx`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_user_group AS `aug` ON `aug`.user_id = `p`.id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_vm_auth_group AS `ag` ON `ag`.group_id = `aug`.group_id LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_vmusers AS `vmu` ON `vmu`.virtuemart_user_id = `p`.id WHERE ISNULL (`vmu`.virtuemart_user_id) LIMIT 0,17300
        vmError: port ST addresses db error FUNCTION stitch_joomla15.ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `ui`.* FROM jos_vm_user_info as `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_userinfos as `vui` ON `vui`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `ui`.`user_id` WHERE `ui`.`address_type` = "ST" AND ISNULL (`vui`.`virtuemart_user_id`) LIMIT 0,17300
        vmError: port ST addresses db error SELECT `ui`.* FROM jos_vm_user_info as `ui` LEFT OUTER JOIN jos_virtuemart_userinfos as `vui` ON `vui`.`virtuemart_user_id` = `ui`.`user_id` WHERE `ui`.`address_type` = "ST" AND ISNULL (`vui`.`virtuemart_user_id`) LIMIT 0,17300
        vmError: port Orders db error FUNCTION stitch_joomla15.ISNULL does not exist SQL=SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2` FROM `jos_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `jos_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE ISNULL (o2.order_number) LIMIT 0,17100
        vmError: port Orders db error SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2` FROM `jos_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `jos_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `jos_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE ISNULL (o2.order_number) LIMIT 0,17100

Can anyone please help?

Thank you


I am facing the same problems doing my migration to vm 2.0.0.
I use JFusion do integrate a vbb. Could this be the reason for the migration problems?


I have found a quick workaround for this problem.

There is a script:

around line 480, 570 and 1100 there are these sql statements:

... WHERE ISNULL (<id etc>) ...

delete the blank between the function ISNULL and the left bracket.

Disadvantage: you can not use the option "everything" when you try to migrate, then you receive a php error.


Thank you for your response. I ended up just going to a backup to restore my old Virtuemart due to a number of problems :) I think that I may have this professionally installed due to the amount of problems I ran into.


You kinda genius!!!
The "remove space" fix worked from me.

Here my situation: I'm creating a new release of my old shop based on joomla+VM1, into a new hosting, so proceded like this:
1) backed up VM tables, via phpmyadmin on the old hosting
2) imported the .sql into the new DB, via phpmyadmin of the new hosting
3) renamed the tables, as the old began with "jos_". I made a datasheet job to create a long RENAME TABLE command list.
4) copied the old "shop_images" folders to the new.
5) configured the right "shop_images" in the new VM2 web site.
6) launched the migrator setting 90 into "max execution time", and the flag "everything" as a task for migration.
This gave some "ISNULL does not exists" errors, but imported correctly the products and categories.

7) Now I modified the migrator.php code as specified.
Then launched the migrator again, flagging "orders" as a task for migration.

That's it!
Thank you so much.


Can you please elaborate your answer, on which line numbers you changed the file migrator.php


What line number it was is irrelevant now. This thread is over two and a half years old! If you have trouble migrating use this:
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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