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Checkout done, click confirm - how do I skip this step?

Started by webnerd3.14, October 09, 2014, 01:19:43 AM

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VirtueMart 2.6.0
Joomla 2.5.20
PHP 5.4.13

Right now, at check out, I have to accept the terms and then click "Checkout".  Previously, it would go straight to PayPal after clicking the "Checkout" button, but now it directs me to the same page with a notice at the top saying "Checkout done, please confirm the order."  It then wants me to click the confirmation button, which is where the "Checkout" button had been.  This works, but is highly confusing and I think will result in many customers getting frustrated.

Can this extra step be skipped?  I want to go directly from the Checkout button to PayPal.  Is it some configuration option in the PayPal Standard Payment Method?  Screenshots are attached.

Thank you for any help!


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