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How to add a short message to the top of each catagory page?

Started by Pete60, August 04, 2014, 14:09:55 PM

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I am running the latest version of VM2 in joomla! 2.5.22.
I need to add a line of text at the top of the front page and each category page. My php is very limited . I can set up template overrides  but I cant see where I would add text to the default.php files I see in the Views folders , if this is in fact the right way to do it.
I cant figure out how to do this. I have checked the API and searched this forum but am none the wiser.
Can anyone give me some information to get started on this problem?
Thanks in advance.

Peter Pillen

Is the text related to the category? Or is it the same text for each category?

In both cases you could just add it to the Category description in virtuemart. And if you have a bit more php skills (or patience) you could add it to your template for the categories. In that case you need to look up template overrides.


If you would like to display a module, ad, or any message, you can also use Advanced Module Manager from nonumber in which you can target the category or page and have a module display when user in on that category.
Very useful . We upgraded to the pro version.

With Advanced Module Manager you have the possibility to assign modules to just about anything you want.
We have a special welcome message display when a certain shopper group logs in.