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payment notification URL generates error 404?

Started by clairemarie, December 23, 2012, 19:52:59 PM

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This page:


is currently redirecting to:


and generating an error 404.

Can anyone tell me if it should be re-directing and if I should get the 404?

Many thanks


nope it shouldn't, what payment plugin do you use ? do you also use 3rd party SEF like sh404SEF ?
Work On Doxa Web Developer Indonesia - |



I'm using the standard PayPal payment method and a payment gateway from Secure Trading.

I'm also using the JoomACE SEF plugin, but I was getting this error before the plugin SEF plugin was installed.

Thanks for the reply.


ACE is now known to cause problems with VirtueMart, so is probably best avoided.

So which of the plugins is causing the 404? And which versions of VM/Joomla are you using?

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


ok i need you to do this,
open the payment plugin file.. the file path is similiar like this on plugins/vmpayment/<yourSecureTradingPlugin>/<yourSecureTradingPlugin>.php
after open, please look for this line:

function plgVmOnPaymentNotification () {

and insert a line on it to

function plgVmOnPaymentNotification () {
die('Hi ! I'm triggered');

and then try to access from browser: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginnotification&tmpl=component

if you see a page with text : Hi ! I'm triggered ,than there's nothing wrong with SEF
but if its return 404, i believe the SEF is block the access, open plugin manager, find the plugin, and turn it off.... after that you can retry the access again.

Hope this helps
Work On Doxa Web Developer Indonesia - |



Yes - I have been in touch with their support team on numerous occasions over the last month.  I think after the Christmas/New Year holidays I will look to replace it with something else.

We are using Joomla! 2.5.7 and Virtuemart 2.0.10.

I've just disabled the Secure Trading plugin - when I navigate to index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginnotification&tmpl=component
I then get a blank screen.  Is this right?

Many thanks


Hi Veeco,

I did as you suggested and I saw the text, so it looks like it's the Secure Trading payment plugin.

Thanks all for helping me to narrow this one down.

Can I just check - that it is a blank screen I should get?


Yes... it should be a blank page if you access it directly
But when you're in Real Transaction... it should have message, something like sending email ...

Work On Doxa Web Developer Indonesia - |


Wait.. you unpublish the payment plugin, this is wrong..... turns off the payment plugin means disable the payment process...
so at the moment, i guess the plugin have some sort of procedure so nobody can access it directly (as it intended too)
Work On Doxa Web Developer Indonesia - |


It is fine when a customer makes a purchase as they are redirected to 'thank you for your order' page.

I only realised the problem because Paypal IPN notification are failing and the order status is not being updated


Here's the scheme

1. On checkout page, customer confirm purchase
2. on Payment Gateway (Paypal via Secure Trading plugin), customer have two option: execute the transaction, or cancel it
3. when execute and payment done, paypal will redirect to thank you page (or in technical reference it calls return url)
4. if customer cancel the payment, paypal will redirect to cancel page (or in technical reference it calls cancel url)

Finished ? Not Yet ! why

5. For whatever transaction action are (complete, cancel, pending, etc), paypal will send notification feedback to your site  "BEHIND THE SCENE" to your payment plugin. This is where the order status will not get updated if you there's problem on this part.  Where's the url that payment gateway will send ? it's .

So here's my suggestion for you to test, turn on the payment plugin (secure trading), leave at it is, don't worry about redirect to paga 404... try again the transaction...

I somehow believe the author of the payment plugin put a security procedure to avoid user/customer/bot to be able to direct access the notification script.

Hope this helps
Work On Doxa Web Developer Indonesia - |


Dear Veeco,

Even I am facing similar issue. I tried following up by inserting "die('Hi ! I'm triggered');" in the code and found it printed while accessing the URL.
May I know what should be make the customer land on right URL after transaction.

Thanks in advance.