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Can't confirm order before ship to is filled in

Started by stensbo, March 26, 2014, 16:02:58 PM

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Using Joomla 2.5.14, Multi language (only DK in VM), Beez20 copy template, Virtuemart 2.0.26d, PHP Version 5.3.27 vm override.
Plugin Cat Product   aWeb save  cart

Joomla site is live - -  but vm shop is only for registered shopper.

Our customers use the shop as a ordering system so no payment system is needed

Settings in Config - tab check out
- one page check-out = not enabled
- automatic shipment method = enabled
- automatic payment method = enabled

Don't know if this is a bug  - you add 1 product to cart - in cart you have bill to information and the link ..._edit_billto_explain where you can add ship to but you do not enter this -  you have the com_virtuemart_checkout_title (instead of ..._order_confirm_mnu ) and by first attempt to confirm the order it takes you to ship to you have to fill in before you can confirm the order.  Now you delete the ship to address you just added but it still shows up in cart ...

Tried to enable Beez20 template and it is the same here.

If you don't enter a ship to address should you not just be able just to confirm the order?


Updated Joomla to 2.5.20 - Virtuemart to 2.6.0a - AIO - extentions - overrides.. but I still have the above problem..
Title on add/edit ship to page is Bill To Address and ship to fields is marked as required fields.
Does anyone know how to fix this.


Updated Virtuemart to 2.6.4 -  now a new customer can confirm the order without being taken to fill in shipment address   8)

But if you add a shipment address  - click save and then delete it again the deleted shipment address still shows up in cart and you have to click "use billing address..."