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PayPal Error

Started by cfreek, May 02, 2014, 20:52:41 PM

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I have a client who is receiving the "An error with your payment paypal on your store [removed]. The details are logged in the file https://[removed].com/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=log&task=edit&logfile=paypal.8.log.php" error.

That file is massive, searching for "error" shows the "ERROR IPN notification with invalid amount or currency or email:" message in a couple of locations. In doing a forum search, it looks like this could be numerous issues. Any assistance in tracking this down?



Before redirecting to Paypal, the plugin stores the amount sent to paypal as well as the merchant email.
Paypal sends back this info, and the plugin compares if they are identical. If they are not, then the plugin assumes that the reason is that the data has been modified before being sent to paypal.

You can send me your logo file via MP, and i will check what happened exactly in your case.


Thanks for the log file.
The fix is added for the next release 2.6.0a which will be available within the next days.