How to add static description to all products that belong to a category?[SOLVED]

Started by CADO, February 23, 2014, 20:41:49 PM

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Hi guys.

I wish to have a static description below the product name (item's page view) and the standard product description on the bottom of the page as usual.

For example (see pic attached please), I have a category called "wedding cakes", all products inside this category will have a static description below the name of each product.


[attachment cleanup by admin]


You are already using template overrides, assuming that the overrides include a [yourjoomlatemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php override file then make a copy of that file and edit the copy to add your additional description immediately under the product title. Name the edtited file as default2.php or whatever, and place it in your productdetails override directory. Then edit your category to use that new file as Default Product Details Page. and

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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