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Cannot display any captcha plugin in Virtuemart registration form

Started by joomlaweby, February 20, 2014, 15:22:29 PM

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Hello everybody,

I cannot display any captcha plugin in Virtuemart registration form. I think is since I have updated Virtuemart to 2.0.26d. I tried several captcha plugins. They are working in Joomla core forms, but not in Virtuemart registration. I had for this EasyCalcCheck PLUS. It was working without any problem, but I think after upgrade of virtuemart it stopped working.
Anybody knows the solution?


I tried to insert easycalccheck to template by code {easycalccheckplus}. Antispam check appeared, but it seems not working properly. I canĀ“t send registration form.


I tried to install it. I have published plugin, entered access key, but I cannot see it in Virtuemart registration form, like any other captcha plugin...  :(


Hi Joomlaweby
You won't actually see it as it's a hidden captcha that uses more "unseen spam bot traps" to determine if the request is genuine or not.

Visible Captcha's are actually bad for sign ups and you will lose submissions for having it on. The better way are hidden versions.

Things like an input field that only an automated program will fill in - if present then it's a spam attempt as no real user would be able to fill it in - IP lookups for known spam bots and other techy traps. That way the user doesn't have to fill in complicated letters and work out math etc....
