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[PARTIALLY SOLVED] CSV imported but products not visible in front end

Started by D3ltone, February 07, 2014, 17:26:40 PM

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Hi everyone,

i have some issues about CSV improved + VirtueMart.

First of all: always "Server time out".... :'( :'(  The products are equally in my db after this error but aren't visible in my front-end!
If i turn products not published and than published again the products appear in front-end!



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I had the same issue using CSVI Free. I would have to select all the products and push 'publish', it was not necessary to unpublish first. What I found while looking through the database was that the imported products' Published field was set to NULL, for some reason VM reads a NULL as published in the admin product list. If you add the published field to your CSV and set to '1' it should work for the new imports.

I have no answer to why it's timing out other than maybe having too many entries in your CSV file


Quote from: forgottenEmbers on February 07, 2014, 21:20:30 PM
I had the same issue using CSVI Free. I would have to select all the products and push 'publish', it was not necessary to unpublish first. What I found while looking through the database was that the imported products' Published field was set to NULL, for some reason VM reads a NULL as published in the admin product list. If you add the published field to your CSV and set to '1' it should work for the new imports.

Thank you very much forgottenEmbers, this solution works finally!!!

So i have to solve only the Time out problem now but i'm hopefully looking for that!

I'll change the title's post with PARTIALLY SOLVED