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Fancybox for 2.0.24c How it do?

Started by vm14, January 28, 2014, 14:41:52 PM

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Hello everyone,

Please,how it do VM with fancybox for pictures products on page? Classic switch:for example button next or icon arrow. Vm in primary equipments doesnt offer fancybox.
I know that in older version VM it is possible.Have you  solution?I please easy solution not hard,with simple steps!, Thank you very much I tried this is solution,but for me doesnt work.Backlink is her


To restore the "classic" fancybox the answer is in the second paragraph here:

Or you can edit the file components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/default_images.php  as shown here:


<div class="additional-images">
for ($i 0$i $count_images$i++) {
$image $this->product->images[$i];

            <div class="floatleft">
$image->displayMediaFull('class="product-image" style="cursor: pointer"',false,"");


replace with

<div class="additional-images">
for ($i 1$i $count_images$i++) {
$image $this->product->images[$i];

            <div class="floatleft">


Use the modified file as a template override. BUT if you are already using overrides, eg in a commercial template then you will have to edit the override files supplied with that template, usually located in /[yourjoomlatemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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