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New User / HeidiSQL + VirtueMart / Database Location

Started by WmRickert, January 22, 2014, 21:57:50 PM

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Good afternoon!

I've been doing development for years and have been using VirtueMart for years as well but I am new to mass editing of VirtueMart products.

What I'm running into is a bunch of bad uploads from a previous manager and need direct access to the database in order to clean it up.

My usual MySQL tool is HeidiSQL.

That should be enough background into the issue. If not let me know.

What I am wanting to know is...
Where is the VirtueMart database located?
I am wanting to do direct edits with Heidi.

Thanks a bunch.


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Thanks for the reply.

There were tons of hits but you were the only one to answer.
Much appreciated.

This was the result when I searched the wiki for "database".

I've written my share of PHP back ends. I didn't need the coding standards and/or queries.
I just need to know where the DB is located.

I logged into cPanel and I only see one DB for the site and that was set up for Joomla!.
Are all the VirtueMart items located in that DB?
I suppose that would be fine. Just not how I would have done it.
However the question still stands.
Where is the VirtueMart DB located?

I am using CSVI Pro at the moment. I am used to direct access and quick updates rather than going through a tool that isn't as comprehensive as direct access.

Thanks, any input is appreciated.


For clarification I'll give you the workflow I am used to.
Copy DB for backup on local.
Duplicate copy.
Edit duplicate.
Overwrite live with edited duplicate.
If failed overwrite with the original copy.

Rinse repeat.

Thanks again.


Joomla websites only use one database........  All the VM tables are in that database. eg #__virtuemart_categories is just one of the tables.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Thanks a bunch.
It looked like that was the case but I didn't want to assume since verification is the better course of action.

I do appreciate that.

I need to get this un-mucked fairly quickly. I have 1000 items live 10% are wonky and need edits. Then I need to add about 10k more.

This will save me hours.

Stay warm!