[an error occurred while processing this directive] coming when ever i update

Started by binarix, January 07, 2014, 23:55:09 PM

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when ever i try to update the virtuemart to the latest version. i get this error.

then i have to restore the site.

currently i am  on latest joomla ( 2.5.17)
currently i am on virtuemart ( 2.0.24)

i tried twice and i had to restore twice to get the site back to normal.

Can you please let us know why this happening. and my hosting provider said its something to do with Virtuemart Component.



Yes. I downloaded the latest package and trying to install from the Extension Manager.

Is it wrong or..


That is the normal way. Maybe you are using something like the akeeba advanced installer, just try without.

If this does not work, use the manual install described at docs.virtuemart.net or the FAQ in the forum. I am not sure atm.
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