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Main Menu in Latest Version (Please Test)

Started by PRO, February 04, 2012, 13:43:39 PM

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So I'm using the Joomla 2.5.7 and Virtuemart 2.0.10 which has these changes with the Curl and the other two lines of code in it already stated.....and I'm still getting the error.  This really needs to be fixed.  Please can someone keep this post going until there is a fix found or if I missed another post that does fix this, can someone please post that post here.  Also, I was looking for the logs as well, and I can't find any logs.  If someone could post that location as well, please do.



Ok guys, as simple as this may sound, it fixed my problem and hopefully someone elses:

In previous versions of the payment plugin you had to put your authorize server in which was normally "" and worked just fine. Well after hours of digging on the web and actually working with a developer, it was not known that the code for this plugin required the full link to the servers...which happens to be " ". This resolved my problem.


Does anyone actually have working in the latest version of VM? I'm in 2.0.18a and all I get is

        There was an error while processing your transaction: This transaction has been declined. (2)
        Order not completed, data is not valid

when trying to process an order. Paypal checkout works fine. and I'm using for the hostname.


Quote from: PRO on June 27, 2012, 22:39:11 PM
Quote from: Stonedfury on June 27, 2012, 20:35:55 PM
Hello. We are looking to upgrade/migrate our site and I just want to make sure that has this approved and it works?

I couldn't find a straight up front answer.

I use this on my site

and MAKE SURE, you do not migrate a live site
I did migrate a live site but after I had everything set up. :) I am just now experiencing (to my knowledge) an issue with the plugin.

Example: Visit the site & add to cart -> visit cart and put in information as a guest -> select payment & BAM! there's no plugin loaded to pay. Now login as a registered user and again BAM! The is there now. Hmmm I do have it set up for registered and anonymous

UPDATE: If there is BT information it shows. This is causing confusion as the paypal and google wallet load. Is there a reason for this? I know you need to have an address to pay with the card but maybe still have it load at the least. I am still growing my skills and do not want to even dip into the plugin.

Also one last question on this.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.


I have read through this forum and checked my configurations as well as the PHP code changes suggested here. All changes are already in my files, yet I am unable to process cc transactions through the plugin. It continually gives me the " The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive. (3)" error that has been talked about here.

I have also double-checked all authorization elements and my account. It is active, it is in test mode, and I even regenerated and copied the transaction key to make sure I didn't have any transcription errors. I have an SSL certificate installed on my site and it appears to be active (I see the closed lock in my address bar).

I am using the following configuration:
Joomla! 2.5.11
VirtueMart 2.0.20b

This is a new install, and I am new to both Joomla! and VirtueMart. I see numerous posts in this thread that indicate people are successfully using this plugin, but I can't seem to get past step one! Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. My site is almost ready to go live, I just need to resolve this bug and make sure it will be reliable.


Like Mendonmike - I get the precise same error.  Our processor company contact said said that all changes that should be made have been made.  Still get the error: The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive. (3)

They asked whether we had another install that virtuemart could be pulling from (the answer is no.) 

The ssl is in order, the configuration is a-ok. 

We have vm latest as of today - no update  needed and jooma 2.5.6 or x.x.7.

any suggestions of other files we might need to change?

(I think it may not be new - but really like your front page!  Quite kicky!)   
joomla 2.5.4 / VM 2.0.2


Just happened today. Error connecting to " Order not completed data is not valid." any ideas?
No error code, or error code. Checked server firewall and turned off along with cleaning of records. Still nothing. Contacted host and all systems are go. Contacted and no issues on their end or error logs of the process being denied.

No edits, no changes, no updates. Just random stop working. I turned on debug in both the plugin and virtuemart with no results as to an issue.

Wanted to add: I have turned on Test, left plugin in production mode.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.


debug output
Quotevmdebug My selected language by JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag() en-GB
vmdebug self::$_jpConfig->lang en_gb
vmdebug vmTime: loadConfig db no: 0.012372016906738
vmdebug Start used Ram 14M
vmdebug getOrderWeight Var1:

vmdebug getOrderWeight Var1:

vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = FALSE for variable weight = 0.2501 Reason: is NOT within Range of the condition from 0.000 to 0.001
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable products quantity = 2 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable order amount = 42.75 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable zip = 93221 Reason: is lower than the set 99999
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable virtuemart_country_id = 172, 223, Reason: Country in rule or none set
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 1: 0.4931001663208
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 1: 0.80128908157349
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2510271072388
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.251638174057
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2520332336426
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2524750232697
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2528741359711
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2533252239227
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2537281513214
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.254420042038
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2551081180573
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2555332183838
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2559421062469
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2579340934753
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.258415222168
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2587950229645
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2636890411377
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2643151283264
vmdebug checkValidOrderingField:VirtueMartModelProduct programmer choosed invalid ordering pc.ordering, use pc.ordering
vmdebug checkValidOrderingField:VirtueMartModelProduct programmer choosed invalid ordering pc.ordering, use pc.ordering
vmdebug ValidateCouponCode ValidateCouponCode ValidateCouponCode Var1:

Error connecting to AuthorizeNet
Order not completed, data is not valid
vmdebug My selected language by JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag() en-GB
vmdebug self::$_jpConfig->lang en_gb
vmdebug vmTime: loadConfig db no: 0.0079100131988525
vmdebug Start used Ram 14M
vmdebug checkValidOrderingField:VirtueMartModelProduct programmer choosed invalid ordering pc.ordering, use pc.ordering
vmdebug getOrderWeight Var1:

vmdebug getOrderWeight Var1:

vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = FALSE for variable weight = 0.2501 Reason: is NOT within Range of the condition from 0.000 to 0.001
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable products quantity = 2 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable order amount = 42.75 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable zip = 93221 Reason: is lower than the set 99999
vmdebug shipmentmethod Free Shipping = TRUE for variable virtuemart_country_id = 172, 223, Reason: Country in rule or none set
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 1: 0.39338207244873
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 1: 0.68141102790833
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2461309432983
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2466819286346
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2468860149384
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2488660812378
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.250335931778
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2517409324646
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2521579265594
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2523369789124
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2525341510773
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2529900074005
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.253448009491
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2554759979248
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2556910514832
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2558789253235
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2560739517212
vmdebug vmTime: onSelectedCalculatePrice before test 2: 1.2562501430511
vmdebug checkValidOrderingField:VirtueMartModelProduct programmer choosed invalid ordering pc.ordering, use pc.ordering
vmdebug vmTime: VirtuemartControllerCart Finished task editpayment: 1.6570398807526
vmdebug End used Ram 29.25M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 29.25M
vmdebug checkValidOrderingField:VirtueMartModelProduct programmer choosed invalid ordering pc.ordering, use pc.ordering
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.