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Virtuemart popup button

Started by sui_page, October 19, 2013, 01:38:52 AM

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Just yesterday the popup window after clicking 'add to cart' would show up however just last night it  stopped working. I don't think I changed any settings relating to AJAX so I'm not sure what's going on here. I have installed a module called 'Virtuemart Products Slider' however the demo for the module show its working with the popup. You can see my site here


Something is stopping the popup. Looks like you are loading both fancybox and facebox javascripts - you could try changing the "Use Fancybox" setting in VM configuration/templates. If it worked before adding your slider module then try with it disabled  A demo is not a good example of function unless the demo uses exactly the same template and additional scripts as you do.

You have a coding error showing in IE10's debugger. On the cart page in the following line snippet  onsubmit="check(1this) is wrong - should be onsubmit="check1(this)
<input type="text" onblur="check1(this);" onclick="check1(this);" onchange="check1(this);" onsubmit="check(1this);" title="Update Quantity In Cart" .........

Check your template override. The code block where you have an error (in VM2.0.24) is:

onblur="check<?php echo $step?>(this);"
onclick="check<?php echo $step?>(this);"
onchange="check<?php echo $step?>(this);"
onsubmit="check<?php echo $step?>(this);"
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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