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Menu Item Type can't find Default Layout

Started by maxpain, October 13, 2013, 18:53:18 PM

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I follow the site tutorial,
I have problem at  step 3b when I select Menu Item Type .
I can't find the Virtuemart default layout, the similar item  is only "front page"

And at setp 3c I can't see the sample data installed page,only empty prouduct virtuemart page.

I have no idea i miss what.Someone can give me a idea?

Install environment
Joomla 2514
xmapp 1822


That is a very old tutorial, made before VM2 was in the pre-release testing stages. The menu link should be to VM Front Page.
And it looks like you did not install the sample data during installation. Go to Configuration/Shop and select "Enable database Update tools"
Then go to Tools/Tools & migration and on the DB Tools tab hit the "Reset all tables and install sample data" button.

Use for instructions.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


jenkinhill, Thank your reply.
I come home tonight try again if it can work!