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Consequences of adding a custom field in Admin panel

Started by sshake, September 16, 2013, 00:11:20 AM

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Hi everyone, first post in forum.
Following this simple tutorial:
i manager to add a custom field in the product info tab by adding:
1) a new field in table product;
2) new input field in product editing template /administrator/com_virtuemart/views/product/tmpl/product_edit_information.php;
3) new input field in front-end product template

It's a minor change and it seeems to work fine.
Now mt question: what will happen to my changes at the next Virtuemart update?
1)will my changes be' overwritten by the update?
2) will my changes cause trouble to the update script itself?
3) nothing will happen since the are minor changes

many thanks in advance, Fabio.

Maxim Pishnyak

Custom field Year and custom changes in template overrides for using this field WILL resist update.
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