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Display original and sale price

Started by alex2763, August 31, 2013, 08:47:29 AM

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Have many years experience in IT, but using virtuemart 2.0.2b for the third  day only. The shop was setup and configured by "professionals", so, I am having difficulties to do simplest thing. The task is simple. We want to run promo on the site for all visitors and want to display the strike-through original price and  sale prices.  I suspect it is possible to do via configuration, but could not do it. Please help.


Maxim Pishnyak

On there is a link to the Documentation (Manual & Tutorials) section:
1. VirtueMart 2 > Manual > Products Menu > Edit Product
2. VirtueMart 2 > Tutorials > Administration & Configuration VM 2 > Taxes & Calculation Rules - Case 1
3. VirtueMart 2 > Manual > Products Menu > Edit Taxes & Calculation Rules
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Maxim's links will start you off from a base point, but be prepared to spend some time reading the forum to understand the implications of discounts/ calculation rules etc.


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php 8.1


Maxim, Hutson,

Many thanks for pointing me to the right direction - rtfm. I realised how complex and flexible the system is. After reading quite a few forum comments, tutorials and watching youtube videos I feel that concept of taxes and discounts implemented in virtuemart is getting more clear for me. However, at the moment I am stuck on the creating product pricing, becasue the screen I have (attached) is different to screens in tutorials and, as result, I could not move forward. Greatly appreciate your help.


[attachment cleanup by admin]

Maxim Pishnyak

You could use price override (individually for each product) or discount rule (for a group of products).
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Can you give more details specific to what you wish to achieve

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Hi again,

The task sounds reasonably simple. We want to run an introductory promo on the site for all visitors (we do not have registered customers and groups yet) and want to display on the products page the strike-through original price and  sale price for each of four products we have.
We want to show both prices for people to see the original price and the sale price. I am interested how to do it via virtuemart configuration rather than write the code (as it suggested on this forum before.

Thanks for your time,


Just setup a discount Discount after tax for the amount you require in the Admin products part of VM

Leave the product category/shopper groups/ set to available for all

Set the start and end dates

This should show the discount with the original price crossed out on the product page

If you wish to do a different discount for each of the products, then do a price override on each of the products and do not setup a new calculation rule

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1



I have similar problem as well...

If you are Override the final price for each product at the fronted gives me a negative discount...

It delete the override price and gives me the base price...

In this case you can not override the final rice with out tax and discount rule.
