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Display multiply quantity price in a table on product page

Started by stensbo, August 27, 2013, 11:14:48 AM

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Using Joomla 2.5.11, Multi language, Beez20 copy template, Virtuemart live upd. says 2.0.22, AIO says 2.0.22a , vm-css override.

Joomla site is live - -  but vm shop will only be for registered shopper (b2b).

We have different shoppergroups with different prices and product with different quantity and quantity price. etc 0-5 pcs Xprice 6-999 pcs Xprice
Product parent/child - using plugin Catproduct to display child in a list with one add to cart - only use parent to display all product information with no add to cart.

Import all with csv. Everything seems to work fine.

I need to figure out how to display for our shopper that the quantity and quantity price is possible

In earlier version of virtuemart quantity and quantity price was displayed on product page (flypage) in a table and in a tooltip on category page (browse page).

This topic tells that it is possible but with very little php/html knowledge :(

Tried to add the code to default_show_price.php from this topic but then all prices for all shoppergroup is displayed and currency is missing and I only need price to show if there is a quantity price.

Will the multiply quantity price display be included in one of the next versions so I just have to wait? or can any of you html/php guys help with some code for the default_show_price.php