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Problems width editing or adding new products

Started by eagle_1313, January 29, 2013, 09:22:50 AM

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Can you help me please.

I'm facing a huge problem width VM2.0.18a

After update from 2.0.6 to 2.0.14 (and now to 2.0.18) adding or editing product or anything else doesn't work any more. When I edit something or add new product can't save that, even can't close or logout from joomla from vm2.

In frontend when I choose pa product it doesn't appear in cat as well. + & - product doesn't work as well. When I click on picture of product it opens a plane picture. Before picture was open in "lightbox" or something like that. That doesn't work as well.

Joomla is working fine.

Can someone help me?

If I uninstall all VM2 stuff on my site (component and some modules) and install it again, what will happened to my already added products and categories?

PHP version    5.3.21
MySQL version    5.5.28-cll


For front end issues, you are using a commercial template with template overrides. This may have been built for an earlier VM2 version so you will need to ask Joomshaper for updated files for 2.0.18a

Backend problem could be that you are not logged in as vendor or  could result from a corruption during update. I suggest you use Joomla's extensions installer to make a new install of com_virtuemart.2.0.18a.tar.gz and then com_virtuemart.2.0.18a_ext_aio.tar.gz over the top of the existing files  - you will not overwrite existing products and categories doing this. Try the installation on a backup version of the site, though, as is recommended for any update.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you. I'm gonna try now your suggestions and I'll give you the results.


Unfortunately nothing happened after update of VM2 (like you described) :( :(

What else can I do?

P.s. In VM admin pages, I can't edit anything at all (products, categorys, configurations, nothing at all).


Are you logged in as Superadmin/Vendor - one way to test for this is to go to Shop / shop in the BE where you should see two tabs, Vendor and Additional Information - a vendor can access and fill in the Additional Information tab, which should contain your own details.

If you are not vendor then open the database in phpMyAdmin and look at table ###_virtuemart_vmusers  - if this is a new VM site then there should only be one entry, for yourself.  The     user_is_vendor field should be set to 1

Note that some quick-install/site shaper packages as supplied by commercial template vendors can give non-standard superadmin ids so you may have to do a bit of detective work if there is more than one user in that table.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

RKW Studio

I had the same problem and found a post with a solution that worked for me.

I installed simple image gallery PRO when the problems occured.

Disable the plugin "button simple image gallery pro" and everthing worked again (for me at least)

Here's the link to where i found this solution: