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Virtuemart disappeared from my components menu after Live Update!

Started by NeliusH, May 29, 2013, 09:47:42 AM

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After updating VM (from 2.0.18a to 2.0.20b)via Live Update, Virtuemart disappeared from my components menu.
The update process seemed OK, but when checking the components menu to also update the plugins and modules there was no VM component in the component menu.
The Virtuemart-aio component on the other hand is still there even after an update to 2.0.20b.

So why did VM disappear from the components menu, and how can it be repeared?
The only way to the VM component after this update is via my browser ardessbar: http://www."mytestdomain".com/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart.

Joomla version: 2.5.11

Does anyone have a clue?



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Yep, it's xmap again.
After enabling the xmap virtuemart plugin, virtuemart reapeared in the components menu.
But the all products show in my sitemap and I don't want that (Quite a long list).
So in the xmap-virtuemart plugin setting I've set the show products? setting to "In xml sitemap only".
The HTML sitemap is published on the site.

This is kind of a temporary workaround.
Virtuemart is still in the components menu, and Xmap also works.

I've posted the issue on the xmap forum also, hoping for the best.



Quote from: NeliusH on May 29, 2013, 21:06:07 PM
Yep, it's xmap again.
After enabling the xmap virtuemart plugin, virtuemart reapeared in the components menu.
But the all products show in my sitemap and I don't want that (Quite a long list).

Upgrade to the latest version of Xmap.

Enable Xmap/VM Plugin

Alter Parameters inside XMAP/VM plugin to not show VM products in sitemap.  -
J3.6.4 / PHP7.0.12