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Problems after update to 2.0.22a

Started by KHM, July 23, 2013, 14:01:10 PM

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Hi folks, hope someone can help me.

Having first tried to update Virtuemart from 2.0.18(a think it was) to 2.0.22a via the updater (unsuccessfully) I followed advice and used the extension manager.

It all looked like it was going ok, but that was before i checked through functions.

At first sight all looked normal but then I discovered several things either did not work correctly, or not at all.

The following has happend after update:

- Add to cart function front page: When selecting add to cart on a product displayed on front page (any module) the product is not added
-- for some reason the invoice shows up as a part of the front page, but there is no sign of the product added
-- it also asks for an order confirmation, which previously only showed up when you went to the to cart >before checkout procedure
-- a box that previously showed cart total (on all pages) is now empty/shows nothing. This previously worked flawlessly (through all previous versions

Edit: Just discovered that add to cart only work on product details pages. I can no longer add to cart from modules (random/selected etc) on any page where the modules are present. 

Else, if I go to product details and use add to cart there, products are added to cart. Now cart total shows up as it's suppsosed to in the cart total box.

But when trying to remove products added to the cart (in cart list) they will not be removed.

Hope someone can help me, most unexpected and meant to go on holiday within a few days. I guess my biggest mistake was to do this now.

I am using a template from And never had any issues with the templates or the previous Virtuemart or Joomla updates.

Current Joomla version is 2.5.11, which was the running version prior to the Virtuemart update (attempt).

Many thanks in advance.
Knut M


You did update both components, the main VM component and the aio component?

Firstly install the backup that you made before the update (I hope you did!)

Then make another installation of the site from that backup in a subdirectory or on localhost and try the update again.

As I can add to cart from modules and everthing works in all the sites I have updated to 2.0.22a it is necessary to check if the problems are coming from your Joomla template. Try switching the site to using the Beez20 template so that the default VM view files are used and see if add to cart from modules works then. If that is OK then you either have to edit your virtuemarttemplates template overrides to work with the current version, or aks virtuemarttemplates to supply updated override files. Sounds like you also have a url problem (maybe SEF related) but not possible to see without a url.

And as it says at the top of this page: DO NOT MIGRATE/UPDATE A LIVE SITE

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi there,

Thanks for your reply. Yes I did update both. Took back up of the entire site using Akeeba prior to the upgrade (full site backup). Does this include the mySQL DB? I've never used it for restore purposes. To be on the safe side, a query has been sent to the ISP re a full restore of the db as well as html/site structure.

However, if the Akeeba full site backup also covers the db I suppose I should be ok to restore myself?

Yes I made a stupid exception due to time constraints and thus did not test the upgrade on the/my dev site I got, prior.  With troublefree updates previously might have gotten a little bit too sloppy.

Needless to say this won't happen again. I will test with the Beez20 template, the thought did cross my mind that the issues could be related to the templates. So a support msg have been sent to the makers (only have done cosmetic changes).

Yes I wondered if it was a url/SEF thing too, but not gotten deep into it yet.
Update: Tried to uncheck the SEO diabled function in Virtuemart, I still cannot add products to cart from the modules (only from the product detail page) but one thing changed; I can now remove products added in the cart. Which should point in the direction you suggested, i.e. the problem being url/address related.


Looks like my aforementioned issues are template related, just got wind of lots of changes in the templates (code, not design) to fit with 2.0.22. I'll try an update to see if it fixes all the issues. Will let people here know, although it doesn't resolve or explain the actual issues it may if nothing else strenghten confidence in the core products.


Akeeba makes a full site backup, including the database. So you can install an exact clone of the original site or have a full backup available.  That is why we all use it!
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ok so that didn't help. Latest templates installed but issues as mentioned before in this thread (add to vart not working in module but work on product details) still exists. Products added to cart via any modules fails, and it also brings up the cart view on the front page. turning on SEO fixed the problem with rgds to deleting items in the cart/order list.

However undesirable at this point guess I might have to take a step back before taken one fwd. Unless someone could tell me what's gone wrong and where? I don't get any errors of any kind, the rest of the installation behaves as before, no other errors spotted.


It is likely to be an issue with the module template overrides used in your template - if you switch to Beez20 template you can test VM without using those overrides to check the VM default function.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Well I am considering a restore but first hope to have the designers of the template (mechanics) look at it. Beez20 appeared to be working fine but I did not set it all up, just changed the template and ran a crude add to cart test. Which may or may not have been adequate.

Also enabled fancybox but it didn't help any.

There's no signs of anything wrong in joomla or virtuemart. The fact that add to cart works on pages where -details is present in the url (details view of products) makes me believe you are correct with your suggestions. Hopefully it's a quick fix for the designers of the template.


Update on this thread: Problem solved!

Thanks to the professional guys at who quickly homed in on the root cause. The culprit(s) was within some VirtueMart HTML overrides that are responsible for modules, add to cart and other important elements.

A quick update and it was all fixed, with no need for (more) teeth gritting search, break of design, redesign or restore of website-

Morale of the story? Sometimes it's both sensible and smart to leave certain types of challenges to people who (quite obviously) got more/better skills with rgds to the/a product.

Thanks also to Kelvyn who set me on the right course :)

Cheers :)


Hello! I also have a similar problem in IE browser 10.

In Mozilla Firefox, Opera, IE 8 works fine. 

In these browsers to cart put this product in IE 10 no. Very strange.

I think this is a bug. 
My configuration:          VM 2.0.22a   Joomla! 2.5.14   Template IT TheStore 4 (icetheme) + module IceVMcart Enhanced Virtuemart Cart Module by IceTheme with ajax and the ability to show products on the cart with a dropdown box

The module has stopped working IceVMcart Ajax (if enabled product is added to the basket). I had to turn it off.

Please check your browser IE virtuemart  2.0.22a works very strange.
If you have ideas for solving the problem will be happy! Thank you!


It will be a JavaScript conflict with the JS in your template or Ice stuff.  Use IE10's debugger on your site.

For a start see
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Possible I'm wrong but I have not found errors. And do not know which direction to go next. Now browsers Mozilla Firefox, Opera, everything works perfectly and IE10 is added to the shopping bag. When you work with IE 8 Virtuemart Continue shopping when you give a 404 error..


I just added to cart using IE10 with no problems - except my Russian is not very good. I did not see a problem or detect an error. But continue shopping (Продолжить покупки) does not work - al;so with no error message. Looks like a template conflict - what happens in Beez20 without the extra modules etc?
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Yes, you're right, I meant it. I do not know how to fix it.
The previous version of virtuemart worked perfectly. I think and I'm trying to understand why is not working.